
Transitioning from Skiing to Running: Tendon Adaptation with Dr. Amy Pakula
Snowy trails are turning to dirt and you’re ready to start transitioning from months of low to no impact sports to the demands of a high impact sport like trail running.
Skiing is great cross training, but skiing is not running. While your cardiovascular system is primed for the task of running from all of the skiing, your tendons had a break from high-impact activity. And, they take time to adapt to the demands of running.

Can skiing help you get ready for trail running season?
The short answer is: Winter human-powered skiing (not riding lifts) is superb cross training, and preparation, for spring running/racing.
How to get better and train for anything.
You want to ski stronger this winter, and not get injured? Or, you just signed up for one of the Rut Mountain Runs–now what?
There’s so much information out there these days, and so many sources are trying to sell you something; some secret that only they have, that’s the magic bullet for your success as an athlete. Fortunately, the best, tried and true advice isn’t a secret.