Classes & Open Gym
All classes are one hour in length and begin with guided instruction by your coach. Classes are adaptable to your unique abilities and fitness levels—we LOVE welcoming beginners! We offer an array of seasonal, sport specific classes, carefully crafted to get you ready for all seasons of mountain endeavors. Check them out below.
Ski Conditioning
A 12-week fall progression to the start of ski season. This class is accessible & adaptable to all levels & types of ski athletes: resort skiers & snowboarders, uphill skiers & split-boarders, and Nordic skiers. We begin with base strength & build over the course of the fall into single leg strength, dynamic plyometric agility, & core strength.
Running & Cycling
A thoughtfully structured class for the runner or cyclist prepping for a spring and summer season of events, races, or adventures. We focus on single leg strength, power, & agility. Injury prevention & core strength are also themes throughout.
Hunting Conditioning
We offer two 8 week series: Archery Conditioning starting in July and Rifle Conditioning starting in September. Prepare for backcountry rifle season and the rigors of long days in the mountains, with a load on your back. It's fun, and very appropriate training for real hunt scenarios.
Full Metal Strength
For those looking for a pure strength day. Metal music and heavy lifting (or light...up to you). Need we say more?!
General Mountain Fitness
A class for the mountain athlete seeking to develop general fitness, durability, & strength for all mountain sports. We continually change the focus of these workouts weekly to keep it diverse & to target different skill sets needed for all mountain athletes—strength, agility, stability, core strength & cardiovascular fitness.
A once a week social class designed to increase mobility & assist with recovery. From stretching to foam rolling, we provide a laid back atmosphere, chill tunes, & camaraderie.
Open Gym
Want to do your own thing? Come in during our open gym hours and work out on your own.